I.F.2005.001 | Things That Happen Again

 > I.F.2005.001
Carson, Anne; Williams, David-Antoine (Editor)
“Things That Happen Again” in Oxford Poetry Broadsides Oxford: Oxford Poetry, 2005.
Notes from Source: 75 copies (only 55 for public sale), six broadsides, elephant folio size, signed by each respective author. The first of three series of broadsides celebrating ninety-five years of new writing in Oxford. Beautifully printed by John Grice of the Evergreen Press. The broadsides include: “Things That Happen Again” by Anne Carson, “Spared” by Wendy Cope, “A Gean Tree” by Robert Crawford, “Hendre Fawr” by John Fuller, “A Stove Lid for W.H. Auden” by Seamus Heaney, and “Yellow Ultramarine” by Medbh McGuckian. A choice collection of poems from six fine modern poets. ___DESCRIPTION: Six broadsides with tissue guards, each printed in black with title in colour, with a small (11″ by 4″) broadside which serves as a title page, author’s names in green in a running script, description below in black, limitation stated in ink, all housed in a light-blue four-fold portfolio cut from hand-made paper at La Papeterie St Armand in Montreal, Quebec, with cream ribbon ties threaded through; Monotype Caslon with Caslon Italic titles, Velin Arches Blanc paper, elephant folio size (15.5″ by 11.5″), limited edition, 75 copies (only 55 for public sale), signed by each respective author.
Further Notes: Shares a title with a 1986 artwork by Roni Horn.
References: III.P.1986.001

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