III.N.1909.001 | Letter to Ferenczi 7.5.1909

 > III.N.1909.001
Freud, Sigmund
Letter to Ferenczi 7.5.1909. Third published volume 1909-05-07.
Further Notes: Using Anne Carson’s date; possibly referring to “The Correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Sándor Ferenczi”, volume 1: 1908–1914 (1993), or volume 3: 1920–1933 (2000); Carson may be misattributing the quote (see e.g. https://archive.org/details/hopeagainsthopem00mand/page/434/mode/1up?q=%22doesn%27t+look+a+bit+like+a+poet%22)
References: I.A.2000.001

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