
Unlost is a relational bibliography. It organizes and ties together works by, in, and about Anne Carson.


There are two primary ways of accessing this bibliography: categorically by type of work cited (e.g. Works by Anne Carson, Works on Anne Carson, and Works in Anne Carson, further subdivided), or alphabetically by author as in a normal list of references.

There is also a list of all subject tags, and a list of categories, which link back to individual records and the main bibliography page.

In addition to these interlinking lists, individual records containing additional bibliographical information and notes, are published for each listed work as “cards”, eg: https://unlost.uwaterloo.ca/i-a-1995-001/.


Unlost is intended to grow and get better with time; this will depend substantially on user contributions.

You can help update and improve Unlost!

Any sort of feedback, general or specific, may be left in the Comments section of this page. Specific suggestions for revision, addition, or correction may also be made on individual reference cards, or may be sent to the general editor by email.


Record identifiers are durable and will not change from version to version, starting with v.1.0.

The current version is v.0.3 – this is a beta release intended to facilitate final editorial and proofing work.
{Please do not cite or archive beta versions of this site, as important details may change. References to this version will be removed when v.1.0 is released.} Subsequent revisions will be documented on this page.

As of this version Unlost contains 3,498 item records in 41 categories, tagged with 1,071 subject headings.



General Editor
: David-Antoine Williams
Editors: Hannah Gardiner, David-Antoine Williams
Contributors: Hannah Gardiner, Arbel Groshaus, David-Antoine Williams
Web & Design: David-Antoine Williams
WordPress implementation based on the WordPress “Twenty-Twenty-Two” theme

How to cite this site as a whole:
Williams, David-Antoine (ed.). Unlost: Anne Carson Relational Bibliography v.1.0 (May 2024) <https://unlost.uwaterloo.ca/>.

How to cite an individual record/card:
e.g.: David-Antoine Williams, “I.A.2023.001” in Williams (ed.), Unlost: Anne Carson Relational Bibliography v.1.0 (May, 2024) <https://unlost.uwaterloo.ca/i-a-2023-001/> (accessed 22.05.2024).

How to cite an individual page:
e.g.: David-Antoine Williams, “Relational Bibliography” in Williams (ed.), Unlost: Anne Carson Relational Bibliography v. 1.0 (May, 2024) <https://unlost.uwaterloo.ca/bibliography> (accessed 2024.10.02).

Or refer to the desired archived image on archive.org: <v.1.0 ARCHIVE LINK>
e.g.: David-Antoine Williams, “Relational Bibliography” in Williams (ed.), Unlost: Anne Carson Relational Bibliography (01.04.2024) <https://unlost.uwaterloo.ca/bibliography> (accessed 2024.10.02).

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