I.E.1996.001 | Screaming in Translation

 > I.E.1996.001
Carson, Anne; Dunn, Francis M. (editor)
“Screaming in Translation: The Elektra of Sophokles” in Sophocles’ “Electra” in Performance Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 1996, 5-11.
ISBN: 978-3-476-04242-2
Notes from Source: A translator is someone trying to get in between a body and its shadow. Translating is a task of imitation that faces in two directions at once, for it must line itself up with the solid body of the original text and at the same time with the shadow of that text where it falls across another language. Shadows fall and move. The following paper, based on my own attempts to render the Greek text of Sophokles’ Elektra into English, will indicate some of the moving shadows cast by this unusual and difficult play and describe how they have proven problematic for its translation into readable verse and performable drama.1
Further Notes: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-476-04242-2_1

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