I.H.2022.003 | The Un-Private Collection

 > I.H.2022.003
Carson, Anne (contributor); Hundley, Elliot (contributor); Currie, Robert (contributor)
The Un-Private Collection: Elliott Hundley + Anne Carson + Robert Currie + Grand Arts. 2022-04-03.
Notes from Source: https://www.thebroad.org/events/un-private-collection-elliott-hundley-anne-carson-robert-currie-grand-arts In this special iteration of The Broad’s Un-Private Collection series, Broad collection artist Elliott Hundley, renowned poet Anne Carson, and Carson’s collaborator Robert Currie team up with Ramón C. Cortines School of Visual and Performing Arts (Grand Arts). Students and faculty at the school will participate in theater workshops, field trips to The Broad and Hundley’s studio, and backdrop and prop-making sessions to develop and stage Carson’s “Pinplay,” a reimagining of Euripides’s Greek tragedy, The Bacchae, through the lens of Hundley’s artwork the high house low! (2011), which is on view at The Broad in the exhibition Since Unveiling: Selected Acquisitions of a Decade through April 3, 2022. Following the play performance, Hundley, Carson, and Currie will be in conversation with the Grand Arts students to discuss collaboration and the process of making the play. Special thanks to Grand Arts faculty for leadership and production: Russell Copley, David Metz, and Julie McManus.
References: I.F.2011.002

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