I.I.2013.001 | Stammering, Stops, Silence

 > I.I.2013.001
Carson, Anne
“Stammering, Stops, Silence: On the Method and Uses of Untranslation” in The Poetry Review The Poetry Society Annual Lecture & Kenneth Allott Lecture, 103.4 (2013), 96-115.
Further Notes: The Poetry Society Annual Lecture was delivered at the British Museum and as the Kenneth Allott Lecture at the University of Liverpool in September 2013. This essay was first published as ‘Variations On the Right to Remain Silent’ in A Public Space, 7 (2008), and published online at Poetry Daily. The variations on the Ibykos fragment appeared as ‘A Fragment of Ibykos Translated Six Ways’ in London Review of Books (8 November, 2012).
Further Notes:

The same work is published in Float.

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