I.J.0.001 | The Albertine Workout

 > I.J.0.001
Carson, Anne (artist); Anno, Kim (artist)
The Albertine Workout.
Further Notes: https://www.csbsju.edu/literary-arts-institute/welle-book-arts-studio/broadsides/artists/the-albertine-workout St. Joseph, Minn. One Crow Press : Literary Arts Institute of the College of St. Benedict September 2014 Welle Book Arts Studio Broadsides Abstract from Anno’s website: “It is always tricky, the question whether to read an author’s work in light of his life or not.” The Albertine Workout is collaboration between artist Kim Anno and author Anne Carson. The book combines text and images exploring the life and times of Proust’s character Albertine, the unique and unforgettable “captive” from Book V of Remembrances of Things Past. Albertine may or may not have been based on a real person in Proust’s life, his erstwhile chauffeur, Alfred Agostinelli. There is a deep, sweet pathos in the unknowable relation between these two beloveds, with Proust in between. Kim Anno swore on “pain of death” not to illustrate the text. There is a page of the image of a torn tweed suit, a fire red velvet diagonal fold, some green plant fronds, two portraits, and a series of folds, wrinkles and cuts in what appear to be pages of a book. One is never sure if the cuts are fragmented or the whole.

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