I.Z.0.002 | An Essay on Irony (unpublished)

 > I.Z.0.002
Carson, Anne
An Essay on Irony (unpublished).
Further Notes: Title of first page: “My Life as a PaedErast: An Essay on Irony” A mini-book “measuring three inches by four inches, it contains around 100 pages lettered by hang in blank ink with color illustrations, and it includes a partial translation of Sappho Fr. 58, embedded in a longer text she calls ‘An Essay on Irony.’” (quotation from Prins, p. 136 in ‘Anne Carson/Antiquity’)
Further Notes:

Excerpts from this unpublished work are found in Prins, Yopie. ‘An Essay on “An Essay on Irony.”’ In Anne Carson: Antiquity, edited by Laura Jansen, 135–55. Bloomsbury Studies in Classical Reception. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021.

References: II.E.2021.017

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