II.A.1998.003 | A classicist looks at our new Dark Age

 > II.A.1998.003
Marchand, Philip
“A classicist looks at our new Dark Age: [1 Edition]” in Toronto Star (Toronto, Ont., Canada: 1998-12-12), 1.
ISSN: 03190781
Notes from Source: While the eruptions of [Carlyle] and [Ezra Pound] were frequent, [Anne Carson] has a quiet manner that suggests the volcano is dormant – for the time being. Carson, 48, was in Toronto recently to deliver a lecture at York University on three women writers – [Sappho], medieval Catholic mystic Margaret of Porete and 20th-century spiritual writer Simone Weil. PETER POWER/TORONTO STAR ANNE CARSON: Classics professor returned to Toronto to deliver a lecture on ancient poet Sappho, medieval mystic Margaret of Porete and 20th-century spiritual writer Simone Weil, who all “treat the relationship of the soul to God within the metaphor of jealousy – ordinary erotic jealousy.”
Further Notes: Num Pages: 0 Publisher: Torstar Syndication Services, a Division of Toronto Star Newspapers Limited
References: II.D.2011.002

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