II.A.2001.005 | Something new, please, o universe

 > II.A.2001.005
Crosbie, Lynn
“Something new, please, o universe” in The Globe and Mail (2001-06-16).
ISSN: 0319-0714
Notes from Source: The Globe and Mail offers the most authoritative news in Canada, featuring national and international news
Further Notes:

The Griffin Poetry Prize Anthology: A Selection of the 2001 Shortlist
Edited by Esta Spalding Anansi, 93 pages. >16.95 The Griffin Trust, which “was created to serve and encourage excellence in poetry written anywhere in the world” and which, at a recent gala event, awarded >40,000 to Anne Carson ( Men in the Off Hours)and to Nikolai Popov and Heather McHugh (for translating Glottal Stop: 101 Poems,by Paul Celan), has muscled its way into public awareness and the literary elite with a fistful of dollars and an aggressive marketing plan.

References: I.A.2000.001

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