> II.B.2014.001
Beale, Alan
“THE NEW CHICAGO GREEK TRAGEDY” in Classical Review 64.2 (2014), 358–365.
DOI: 10.1017/S0009840X14001280
ISSN: 0009-840X
Notes from Source: First published from 1953, but with some translations which had appeared in 1942 and even earlier, the University of Chicago Press series quickly established itself as one of the most popular versions of Greek tragedy in print. A second edition appeared in 1991, with revisions and in some cases new translations, and now this third edition, edited by D. Grene, R. Lattimore, M. Griffith and G. W. Most, seeks to update the series further with a more systematic revision and four new translations, “Medea” by O. Taplin, “The Children of Heracles” by M. Griffith, “Andromache” by D. Roberts and “Iphigenia among the Taurians” by A. Carson. In addition there are new translations of the fragments of Aeschylus’ plays which formed part of the tetralogies to which surviving plays belong and the substantial fragments of Sophocles’ “The Trackers” have been translated by M. Griffith.
Further Notes: Place: Cambridge, UK Publisher: Cambridge University Press
References: I.B.2014.001

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