II.C.2002.005 | The Complete Poetry of Catullus / If Not, Winter

 > II.C.2002.005
Cooksey, T. L.
“The Complete Poetry of Catullus / If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho / The Satires of Horace” in Library Journal 127.11 (2002), 70-.
ISSN: 0363-0277
Notes from Source: Poetry The Complete Poetry of Catullus. Univ. of Wisconsin. Jul. 2002. c.158p. tr. from Latin by David Mulroy. ISBN 0– 299-17770-X. >40. If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho. Knopf. Aug. 2002. c.416p. tr. from Greek by Anne Carson. ISBN 0-375-41067-8. >27.50. The Satires of Horace. Ausable. Jun. 2002. c.112p. tr. from Latin by William Matthews. ISBN 1– 931337-004. >24. POETRY
Further Notes: Place: New York Publisher: MSI Information Services
References: I.B.2002.001

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