II.E.2008.002 | Anne Carson

 > II.E.2008.002
Rae, Ian
“Anne Carson: (Un)framing Myth” in From Cohen to Carson MQUP, 2008.
ISBN: 978-0-7735-3276-2
Notes from Source: As in this interview with Mary di Michele, Anne Carson repeatedly tells interviewers that she defies genre conventions because her favourite means of stimulating her imagination “is to break rules or change categories or go outside where they say the line is.”² The subtitle of Carson’sAutobiography of Red: A Novel in Verseonly hints at the variety of genres that the Montreal poet employs.³ InAutobiography of RedCarson brings together a preface on the Greek poet Stesichoros, translated fragments of Stesichoros’s long poemGeryoneis, three appendices on the blinding of Stesichoros by Helen, a romance in verse recasting
Further Notes: Num Pages: 223-

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