III.B.1970.002 | Jason, Hypsipyle, and New Fire at Lemnos. A Study in Myth and Ritual

 > III.B.1970.002
Burkert, Walter
“Jason, Hypsipyle, and New Fire at Lemnos. A Study in Myth and Ritual” in Classical quarterly 20.1 (1970), 1–16.
DOI: 10.1017/S0009838800044530
ISSN: 0009-8388
Notes from Source: History of religion, in its beginnings, had to struggle to emancipate itself from classical mythology as well as from theology and philosophy; when ritual was finally found to be the basic fact in religious tradition, the result was a divorce between classicists, treating mythology as a literary device, on the one hand, and specialists in festivals and rituals and their obscure affiliations and origins on the other.
Further Notes: Place: Cambridge, UK Publisher: Cambridge University Press
References: I.E.1990.002

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