III.D.1981.001 | Some Deceptive Oracles

 > III.D.1981.001
Hester, D. A.
“Some Deceptive Oracles: Sophocles, Electra 32-7” in Antichthon 15.1981 (1981), 15–25.
DOI: 10.1017/S0066477400004524
ISSN: 0066-4774
Notes from Source: Oracles, and especially the Delphic oracle, are notorious for the ambiguous and deceptive nature of their responses. Fontenrose has recently suggested that this notoriety is undeserved, firmly labelling ‘quasi-historical’ the celebrated anecdotes of Herodotus on which, above all, the reputation of the Delphic oracleis based. I do not intend to enter into controversy on the historical Delphic oracle; this paper deals exclusively with the literary Delphic oracle, enshrined in the pages of Herodotus; of its reputation there can be no doubt.
Further Notes: Place: Cambridge, UK Publisher: Cambridge University Press

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