Relational Bibliography
III. Sources in Anne Carson > J. Literature – 20th century and beyond
III.J.2017.001 | Riot Days
III.J.2010.001 | Must You Go?
III.J.2007.001 | Criticism and Truth
III.J.2004.001 | Swann’s Way
III.J.1999.002 | Marry Nettie
III.J.1999.001 | Contempt
III.J.1997.001 | The Invention of Love
III.J.1996.002 | Marcel Proust, biographie
III.J.1996.001 | The Designated Mourner
III.J.1995.001 | Ich will Zeugnis ablegen bis zum letzten
III.J.1991.001 | Preface to ‘The Sea and the Mirror’
III.J.1989.001 | Killshot
III.J.1988.002 | Lectures in America
III.J.1988.001 | Six memos for the next millennium
III.J.1987.002 | Sodome et Gomorrhe
III.J.1987.001 | Feminism unmodified
III.J.1986.001 | Drama, metadrama and perception
III.J.1985.002 | Moments of Being
III.J.1985.001 | Travels of a Purple Tramp
III.J.1984.003 | One writer’s beginnings
III.J.1984.002 | Signéponge = Signsponge
III.J.1984.001 | Quad
III.J.1983.001 | Worstward Ho
III.J.1982.003 | The secret history of the Lord of Musashi
III.J.1982.002 | Teaching a stone to talk
III.J.1982.001 | Quadrat 1+2
III.J.1981.003 | Positions
III.J.1981.002 | Castration or Decapitation?
III.J.1981.001 | Quadrat I and Quadrat II
III.J.1980.001 | The Book of Laughter and Forgetting
III.J.1978.001 | A Lover’s Discourse
III.J.1977.003 | Portrait of a Post-War Generation
III.J.1977.002 | The Diary of Virginia Woolf
III.J.1977.001 | The Anxiety of Influence
III.J.1975.004 | Letter to Ethel Smyth, 29 Oct. 1933
III.J.1975.003 | Letter to Ethel Smyth, 14 Nov. 1940
III.J.1975.002 | Beauty and Sadness
III.J.1975.001 | The Great War and modern memory
III.J.1974.001 | Marcel Proust
III.J.1971.001 | The Complete Stories
III.J.1969.002 | A Grammar of Motives
III.J.1969.001 | The third theatre
III.J.1968.001 | The Image of Proust
III.J.1967.003 | Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are dead
III.J.1967.002 | Everything that Rises Must Converge
III.J.1967.001 | ‘Chips’
III.J.1966.002 | The Sun and the Fish
III.J.1966.001 | The Last Gentleman
III.J.1965.001 | Deceit, desire, and the novel
III.J.1964.003 | Eugene Onegin
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