Relational Bibliography
III. Sources in Anne Carson > L. Poetry – 20th century and beyond
III.L.1978.001 | La Question du moi
III.L.1977.001 | Negativität in der Dichtung Paul Celans
III.L.1976.002 | Vom Engagement absoluter Poesie
III.L.1976.001 | Collected Poems
III.L.1974.001 | Paul Celan’s Language of Stone
III.L.1973.002 | Alle Dichter sind Juden
III.L.1973.001 | Paul Celan
III.L.1972.002 | Tiefimschnee
III.L.1972.001 | Ut Pictura Noesis? Criticism in Literary Studies and Art History
III.L.1971.002 | Lecture de Strette
III.L.1971.001 | Paul Celan and Martin Buber
III.L.1970.004 | Accessus zu Celans ‘Sprachgitter.’
III.L.1970.003 | I begyndelsen var kødet
III.L.1970.002 | Todtnauberg
III.L.1970.001 | Über Paul Celan
III.L.1969.001 | Epitaph – “If you can read this, you’ve come too close”
III.L.1968.005 | Zur Lyric Paul Celans
III.L.1968.004 | Hendaye
III.L.1968.003 | Die schwarzdiaphane
III.L.1968.002 | Paul Celan
III.L.1968.001 | Gesammelte Werke
III.L.1967.001 | No More Sand Art
III.L.1966.002 | Three Secret Poems
III.L.1966.001 | Structure du langage poétique
III.L.1963.001 | Sämtliche Werke
III.L.1954.001 | The verbal icon
III.L.1950.001 | Persephone
III.L.1949.001 | Against meaning in Ballet
III.L.1948.001 | The Subway
III.L.1947.001 | The poetic image
III.L.1944.001 | Deathfugue
III.L.1941.001 | En värld är varje människa
III.L.1938.001 | Satan Housman and Jehovah Housman
III.L.1936.001 | Alfred Edward Housman
III.L.1926.001 | I lose my screams
III.L.1924.001 | What Birds Plunge Through is Not the Intimate Space
III.L.1923.001 | If I Told Him
III.L.1914.001 | It Was Black, Black Took
III.L.1896.001 | A Shropshire Lad
III.L.0.001 | Seashore
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