I.F.2018.001 | POVERTY REMIX (Sestina)

 > I.F.2018.001
Carson, Anne; Büttner, Andrea (bookAuthor)
“POVERTY REMIX (Sestina)” in Andrea Büttner: beggars London: Koenig Books, 2018, 45-60.
ISBN: 978-3-96098-343-9
Notes from Source: German artist and 2017 Turner Prize nominee Andrea Büttner examines depictions of beggars in visual culture in an artist?s book about poverty, art history, theology, and the politics of social benefits. Büttner, whose work addresses notions of shame, vulnerability, and dignity, presents a recent series of woodcuts, as well research conducted at the Warburg Institute in London. including sixteenth-century vignettes from the Liber Vagatorum and a visual essay on the iconography of shepherds and kings in nativity scenes.
Further Notes: Republished in Wrong Norma (2024).
Further Notes:

The introduction of this book specifies that “Anne Carson composed the poem “POVERTY REMIX (Sestina) especially for the book.”

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