II.C.2020.012 | Fatal Attraction

 > II.C.2020.012
Wollen, Audrey
“Fatal Attraction: Anne Carson’s new play brings together Marilyn Monroe and Helen of Troy” in Bookforum 26.5 (2020).
ISSN: 1098-3376
Notes from Source: […]her entire career is owed to it: The dramas of imperfect gods seem much more real at the side of a highway or across the kitchen table than at the top of any clouded mountain. Did she fall in love and leave her husband, or was she raped and trafficked?) Note how much sexual violence we’ve encountered, only three sentences in. In Ancient Greek, this cloud is called an eidolon (εἴδωλον), an “image, likeness, simulacrum, replica, proxy, idol,” a phantom copy of a living person made out of light.
Further Notes: Place: New York Publisher: Artforum Inc
References: I.A.2019.001

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