II.D.2016.001 | “TALK (WHY?) WITH MUTE ASH”

 > II.D.2016.001
Fleming, Joan
“”TALK (WHY?) WITH MUTE ASH”: ANNE CARSON’S “NOX” AS THERAPEUTIC BIOGRAPHY” in Biography (Honolulu) 39.1 (2016), 64–78.
DOI: 10.1353/bio.2016.0017
ISSN: 0162-4962
Notes from Source: This essay reads Anne Carson’s Nox as a work of therapeutic biography. An analysis of Carson’s iterative translation of Catullus’s poem 101, and her visual and textual strategies of fragmentation, bring the author’s search to understand her estranged brother into complex relation with an ethos of mystery and lament.
Further Notes: Place: Honolulu Publisher: University of Hawai’i Press for the Biographical Research Center

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