II.D.2018.007 | “And how does it alter you to see it there floating? Nox, Float and the Reader

 > II.D.2018.007
Skade, Annette
“”And how does it alter you to see it there floating? Nox, Float and the Reader” in Ex-centric Narratives: Journal of Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media 1.2 (2018-12-28), 162-174.
DOI: 10.26262/exna.v1i2.6405
ISSN: 2585-3538
Notes from Source: “And how does it alter you to see it there floating?” poses Anne Carson in “Cassandra Float Can,” one of twenty two pamphlets which make up her collection, Float, referring to Cassandra’s unintelligible utterance “OTOTOI POI DA,” in Aeschylus’ Agamemnon. This article explores the physicality of two of Carson’s books, Nox (2010) and Float (2016) in terms of their performative qualities, and seeks to describe the ways in which Carson invites readers to a physical entering into these books as objects; how such interactions may reference the text they contain; and Carson’s poetics, particularly those on time, mimesis, and performance. Carson’s interest in the physical book and collaboration is considered, as is her invitation to her readers to the collaborative creative process. The article suggests that the forms of the books serve as an invitation to readers to play in a “free space of imaginal adventure” (xi), similar to that suggested by Carson when she uses brackets in translations of Sappho in If Not, Winter. The possible constraints of this are also discussed
Further Notes: Number: 2

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