III.E.1964.001 | Sappho and Aphrodite Again

 > III.E.1964.001
Cameron, A.
“Sappho and Aphrodite Again” in The Harvard theological review 57.3 (1964), 237–239.
DOI: 10.1017/S001781600002191X
ISSN: 0017-8160
Notes from Source: Professor Page’s interpretation of Sappho, Fr. I, in Sappho and Alcaeus has been approved by numerous writers and reviewers, but it raises serious difficulties and my purpose in this paper is to examine them. In doing so I shall have occasion to refer to an article published many years ago in this journal which was concerned with the epiphany description in particular and which drew the conclusion that the poem was not to be taken quite so seriously as was the fashion at that time. Page is in agreement on this point, and I do not propose to discuss it further. In addition, however, a suggestion based on the form and style was made in regard to the sixth stanza, which is the key to what is novel in his interpretation. This suggestion has been tacitly rejected, and I now propose to reiterate it and, if possible, reinforce the argument which was then put forward.
Further Notes: Place: New York, USA Publisher: Cambridge University Press
References: I.E.1980.002

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