I.A.2005.001 | Decreation

 > I.A.2005.001
Carson, Anne
Decreation: Poetry, Essays, Opera. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005.
ISBN: 978-1-4000-4349-1
Further Notes: 22 cm
Further Notes:

As listed in Decreation: Poetry, Essays, Opera:

“Some of the pieces in this collection previously appeared in the following:

“Longing, a Documentary” in Art on Paper

Seated Figure with Red Angle (1988) by Betty Goodwin” in ArtForum

“Foam (Essay with Rhapsody): On the Sublime in Longinus and Antonioni” in Brick Magazine

“Tonality: The Colour of Eclipse” in Cabinet

“Blended Text” in Fence

“Lots of Guns: An Oratorio for Five Voices” in Gulf Stream

“Beckett’s Theory of Tragedy”; “Beckett’s Theory of Comedy”; “Ode to the Sublime by Monica Vitti”; and “Kant’s Question About Monica Vitti” in London Review of Books

“Lines”; “Some Afternoons She Does Not Pick Up the Phone”; “Despite Her Pain, Another Day”; “Stanzas, Sexes, Seductions”; “Gnosticisms I, II, III, IV, V, VI” in The New Yorker

“No Port Now”; “Nothing For It”; and “Her Beckett” in The Paris Review

“Every Exit Is an Entrance (A Praise of Sleep)” in Prairie Fire

“Sleepchains”; “Sunday”; “That Strength”; Methinks the Poor Town Has Been Troubled Too Long”; “Longinus’ Dream of Antonioni”; and “And Reason Remains Undaunted” in Raritan

“Guillermo’s Sigh Symphony” and “Quad” in Threepenny Review




Carson, Anne. Decreation: Poetry, Essays, Opera. 1st Vintage Contemporaries ed. New York: Vintage Contemporaries, 2006.

Carson, Anne. Decreation: Poetry, Essays, Opera. London: Jonathan Cape, 2006.

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