II.C.2013.035 | Stories in a Classical Mode

 > II.C.2013.035
Sehgal, Parul
“Stories in a Classical Mode” in Bookforum 19.5 (2013), 23.
ISSN: 1098-3376
Notes from Source: Formal structures and especially the fragment allow her to pose questions with and within her work, to insinuate and tease, and she’s at her best in the interrogative mood, as in her book The Beauty of the Husband: A Fictional Essay in 29 Tangos (2001). Because Red Doc> lacks this scaffolding, her players skitter in constant and confused motion. Dream logic is exhausting, and especially so in this particular form, which forces our eyes to dart so continually across the narrow band of words that we risk going cross-eyed. In the second book, for no apparent reason, it’s Geryon stepping off the bus.) But readers will come to it looking for Autobiography of Red’s tenderness and heat, its many masks, its frank sexuality, and its opinions on the adjective and Gertrude Stein, and they will be disappointed.
Further Notes: Place: New York Publisher: Artforum Inc
References: I.A.2013.002

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