Relational Bibliography
Greek language
III.F.1968.001 | Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque
III.F.1960.001 | Griechisches etymologisches Wörterbuch
III.F.1954.001 | The Greek particles
III.F.1936.001 | Greek metaphor
III.F.1920.001 | A Greek grammar for colleges
III.F.1899.001 | The negative compounds in Greek
III.F.1886.001 | Principles of Greek etymology
III.E.1989.001 | Rituals in stone
III.E.1986.002 | Rhythm and metre
III.E.1974.009 | Comparative studies in Greek and Indic meter
III.E.1963.002 | Untersuchungen zu ieros hauptsächlich bei Homer
III.E.1885.001 | Lexicon Homericum
III.D.1975.002 | The maculate muse
III.D.1960.002 | ΕΦΗΜΕΡΟΣ als Kennwort für die menschliche Natur
III.D.1935.001 | “Wahrheit” und “Lüge” im ältesten Griechentum
III.D.1930.001 | Militat omnis amans
III.D.1905.001 | The metaphorical terminology of Greek rhetoric and literary criticism
III.C.1952.002 | Le pur et l’impur dans la pensée des Grecs, d’Homère à Aristote
III.C.1937.001 | Das Bild des Weges und verwandte Vorstellungen im fruehgriechischen Denken
III.C.1934.001 | Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker griechisch und deutsch
III.B.1988.002 | Male Chauvinists and Pigs
III.B.1982.002 | The literate revolution in Greece and its cultural consequences
III.B.1978.002 | Literacy in the Spartan oligarchy
III.B.1971.003 | Prologue to Greek literacy
III.B.1922.002 | Hagios
II.D.2014.004 | Discarded Histories and Queer Affects in Anne Carson’s Autobiography of Red
II.D.2003.001 | “Dangling inside the word ‘she’”
II.C.2024.009 | Scholarship in the Wild
II.C.2000.020 | Greek unorthodox
II.C.1999.015 | Erotic suffering
II.B.1990.001 | Book Reviews — Eros, the Bittersweet
I.G.2019.001 | Filba 2018 — Entrevista Anne Carson [English]
I.E.1998.001 | All debts owed to death
I.E.1992.001 | How Not to Read a Poem