Relational Bibliography
Sappho (610-580 BC)
III.E.1925.008 | fr. 2.13-16 LP
III.E.1925.007 | fr. 16
III.E.1925.006 | fr. 118
III.E.1925.005 | fr. 112.4 Lobel
III.E.1925.004 | fr. 110 Lobel
III.E.1925.002 | fr. 110 LP
III.E.1925.001 | 14 LP = 37 V
III.E.1913.001 | Sappho und Simonides
III.E.0.092 | s.v. Sappho
III.E.0.003 | Chryssippos On Negatives 13 = Sappho fr. 56 Voigt
III.E.0.002 | Apollonios Dyskolos ‘On Conjunctions’ 490= Sappho fr. 107 Voigt
III.D.1972.003 | II ‘letto insaziato’ di Medea e il tema dell’Adikia a livello amoroso nei lirici (Saffo, Teognide) e nelle Medea di Euripid
III.C.0.002 | Aristotle Rhetoric 1398b = Sappho fr. 201 Voigt
III.A.0.003 | Hydria depicting Sappho, identified by name, reading from a papyrus
II.I.2013.001 | The Switch
II.F.2024.003 | Fox and Hedgehog
II.E.2022.008 | Anne Carson’s Lyric Temporalities
II.E.2015.024 | Sappho and the “Papyrological Event”
II.E.2015.008 | Sappho
II.C.2017.006 | Finding Sappho
II.C.2004.003 | Post-modern eros
II.C.2003.006 | If Not, Winter
II.C.2003.005 | In Search of Sappho
II.C.2002.016 | The mystery of Sappho and her erotic legacy
II.C.2002.014 | If not, winter
II.C.2002.009 | On Fire With Longing
II.C.2002.005 | The Complete Poetry of Catullus / If Not, Winter
II.B.2008.002 | Righting the self, and writing God [Review of Decreation
II.B.2005.001 | If Not, Winter. Fragments of Sappho
II.B.2004.001 | Looking for Sappho
I.Z.0.002 | An Essay on Irony (unpublished)
I.I.2020.001 | Anne Carson’s Public Lecture
I.G.2015.004 | Collaborating on Decreation
I.G.2014.002 | Ancient Words, Modern Words
I.G.2013.001 | Transcript for Poesis with Anne Carson
I.G.2004.001 | Anne Carson, The Art of Poetry No. 88
I.G.2001.003 | The Matrix Interviews
I.G.2001.002 | A Conversation with Anne Carson
I.G.1997.002 | A ___ with Anne Carson
I.F.2015.003 | Sappho Drives Upstate (Fr. 2)
I.F.2015.002 | Fragment 45
I.F.2013.002 | Foreword
I.F.2004.003 | Answer Scars
I.E.2023.001 | Cy Twombly
I.E.1997.001 | Sappho Shock
I.E.1990.001 | “Just for the Thrill”
I.E.1980.002 | The Justice of Aphrodite in Sappho Fr. 1
I.D.2021.002 | Stillness
I.D.2019.006 | Waves
I.D.2005.001 | The Beat Goes On
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