Relational Bibliography
III. Sources in Anne Carson > R. Theology/Religion
III.R.2001.001 | For fear of the fire
III.R.1986.001 | Le procès d’inquisition contre Marguerite Porete et Guiard de. Cressonessart
III.R.1984.001 | La première traduction latine du ‘Miroir’ de Marguerite Porete
III.R.1981.001 | Joan of Arc
III.R.1936.001 | Meister Eckharts Predignten
III.R.1915.001 | Air and Gods of the Air
III.R.1894.001 | Die Religion des Veda
III.R.1872.001 | The Lives of the Saints
III.R.1801.003 | New Testament
III.R.1801.002 | Psalm 119
III.R.1801.001 | Corinthians 10
III.R.1500.001 | Rigveda
III.R.1000.001 | Psalms
III.R.0.013 | Gospel of Matthew
III.R.0.012 | Gospel of Luke
III.R.0.011 | Gospel of John
III.R.0.010 | Book of Revelations
III.R.0.009 | Book of Jude
III.R.0.008 | Book of Joshua
III.R.0.007 | Book of Isaiah
III.R.0.006 | Book of Genesis
III.R.0.005 | 1 Kings and 2 Kings
III.R.0.004 | Enarratio in Psalmum
III.R.0.003 | Confessions
III.R.0.002 | Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
III.R.0.001 | Babylonian Talmud Eruvin