Relational Bibliography
III.O.1986.001 | The female body in western culture
III.O.1973.001 | The order of things
III.M.1986.001 | The Clinical Eye
III.K.1953.002 | The reign of quantity and the signs of the times
III.K.1951.002 | The origins of European thought about the body, the mind, the soul, the world, time and fate
III.K.1949.002 | Homo ludens
III.F.1993.001 | Phrasikleia
III.D.1995.002 | Greek tragedy on the American stage
III.C.1953.001 | The discovery of the mind
III.C.1942.001 | Vom Mythos zum Logos
III.B.1999.002 | Coins, bodies, games, and gold
III.B.1995.001 | Making men
III.B.1991.002 | Mortals and immortals
III.B.1983.003 | Les Grecs sans miracle
III.B.1982.005 | The origins of Greek thought
III.B.1981.004 | The anthropology of ancient Greece
III.B.1977.005 | The World of Odysseus
III.B.1977.003 | Geometric Greece
III.B.1951.001 | The Greeks and the irrational
III.B.1934.001 | Paideia
III.A.1978.001 | Greek homosexuality
II.E.2022.001 | Postnational Genres
I.I.2020.001 | Anne Carson’s Public Lecture
I.E.1992.002 | Simonides Painter
I.D.2021.002 | Stillness