Relational Bibliography
III.E.1983.005 | Charis in Homer and the Homeric Hymns
III.E.1975.006 | Nature and culture in the Iliad
III.E.1975.003 | Der homerische Aphroditehymnus und die Aristie des Aineias in der Ilias
III.E.1975.001 | Phrenes as an anatomical organ in the works of Homer
III.E.1974.008 | Spontaneity and tradition
III.E.1971.020 | La structure de l’hymne homérique à Aphrodite à la lumière de la tradition littéraire. [Traduit par Helena Wolska]
III.E.1968.005 | The concept of inspiration in Greek poetry from Homer to Pindar
III.E.1963.002 | Untersuchungen zu ieros hauptsächlich bei Homer
III.E.1960.003 | Ἱεϱός bei Homer
III.E.1960.002 | Ίερός bei Homer und in der älteren griechischen Literatur (Fortsetzung)
III.E.1950.003 | Die Aristie als Grundform homerischer Dichtung und der Freiermord in der Odyssee
III.E.1950.001 | Götterzorn bei Homer
III.E.1920.001 | Homeri Opera
III.E.1885.001 | Lexicon Homericum
III.E.0.045 | Odyssey
III.D.1988.001 | Homer and Sophocles’ Electra
III.D.1949.001 | Die homerische Göttersprache
III.C.1976.003 | Studies in Greek texts
III.B.2001.001 | The Raft of Odysseys
III.B.1978.005 | The Greek concept of justice
III.B.1977.005 | The World of Odysseus
I.I.2019.001 | Anne Carson
I.I.2010.001 | The Blaney Lecture
I.G.2024.001 | Sparkly Bits, Words with Thoughts in Them
I.G.2021.002 | Half Lives and Long Drives
I.G.2013.001 | Transcript for Poesis with Anne Carson
I.G.1997.002 | A ___ with Anne Carson
I.F.2000.001 | Quadrat I and II
I.E.1993.001 | Your money or your life
I.E.1980.001 | Aphrodite and After
I.D.2018.005 | Short Talk on Homer and John Ashbery
I.D.2007.001 | Alive That Time
I.D.2006.004 | On Evil and Suffering in Modern Poetry
I.D.2001.002 | from Sleep Plan
I.D.2000.002 | Fragment 96 LP
I.D.1999.002 | My Show
I.A.2019.001 | Norma Jeane Baker of Troy
I.A.2016.001 | Float
I.A.2013.002 | Red doc>
I.A.2013.001 | Nay rather
I.A.2005.001 | Decreation
I.A.2001.001 | The Beauty of the Husband
I.A.2000.001 | Men in the Off Hours
I.A.1998.001 | Autobiography of Red
I.A.1995.001 | Glass, Irony and God